Tuesday, February 17, 2009

assignment write up

Overall I feel like the shoot went well. I had some issues keeping lighting consistent, from shot to shot the lighting on the characters changes a bit awkwardly. I also had issues with steady camera movement. I wanted to change the position of the camera often, so the film wouldn't get boring visually. The tripod shots were easy to pan, but I tried some handheld shots and I think they may  be too shaky. That could be a cool effect though, we'll see. Sound went well, and I feel like my talent did a pretty good job making their lines believable. I shot a scene on my macbook with the isight, edited it in imovie and burned a DVD to be playing on the TV in a few of my shots, and I feel like that was successful. The short movie I made in imovie might have been more interesting than this final one. I tried a variety of shots for character to character conversations. Hopefully I'll be able to edit them into a believable mix. I'm still concerned about the differing lighting though, and I need to re-shoot a few shots of my TV playing the movie I made in imovie. 

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