Wednesday, February 4, 2009

the script

Film begins with an overhead shot of Dylan lying on the ground in front of a TV projecting a surveillance-like image. The image is blurry, and indecipherable. Cut to the TV again, but this time, it is on at a party. The silhouette of a person rises up in front of the TV, and the camera focuses on this person (girl with wine). Camera follows girl with wine into kitchen, Dylan and Madeline have been catching up in the kitchen, Girl with wine approaches Dylan)

 Madeline: (rambling on and on)  So that’s when I had the idea to make these little sock puppets with the little kids and they just loved it, like…

 girl with wine: (puts herself between Jane and Dylan): heyyy youu wantt this (laughs hysterically and throws herself at Dylan, stumbles around, he holds her up) oh well I am so drunk, and you are so (mumbles something in dylan’s ear)

 Dylan: (uncomfortably, awkwardly) ummm no that’s okay, I think I’ll just stay here…(tries to push the girl off of him) (drunk girls friends come to get her)

 Friends: Come on, come on you need to leave (opposition from drunk girl) No, no were going to go get more alcohol (drunk girl leaves with them and blows a kiss at Dylan) Dylan stares at her awkwardly.

 Madeline: (very annoyed) Dylan, look at me! You never fucking look at me, it’s always someone else, well I’m sorry that my boobs don’t hang ten inches out of my shirt and I’m sorry that I just can’t keep your attention for more than 3 seconds at a time, I guess I’m just really boring that way..

 Dylan: (interrupting her) do you want to go talk somewhere else?

 Madeline: no. (beat) (softens a little) I mean, yeah. Whatever. I’m going to go get my stuff.

 (Madeline walks by Alec as she goes to get her stuff. Alec makes eye contact with Dylan and follows Madeline)

 -cut to Dylan and Madeline in car-

 (awkward silence, then they both start speaking at once)

 (in unison)

Dylan: You know I never meant it when I said

Madeline: I didn’t mean to do it

(both apologize)

 Dylan: (softly, a little angrily) you didn’t mean to do it?

 Madeline: No, (beat) I mean, yeah I guess I meant it, in my subconscious or whatever, but I was in France and he was there and you weren’t there…voice trails

 -cut to earlier time in car, a happier time-

 (Madeline and Dylan are laughing) Dylan is doing impersonations of people and Madeline is laughing to the point of tears.

 Dylan (muffled by Madeline’s laughter):and then he was like all you do is talk talk talk talk talk

 -cut back to the present-

 Dylan: Do we really have to talk about this again?

 Madeline: I don’t know how we can ever be friends if we don’t. Where the hell are we going anyway?

 Dylan: I don’t know, I guess I was just driving…

 Madeline: Here..stop here! Frantically points out the window at the field

 Dylan: (quietly) okaaay..

 (They look at each other with the car stopped)

 Madeline: okay, so now I’m going to do this!

(she quickly throws open the car door, dropping her mitten as she goes, and she runs out into the darkness)

 Dylan: what? (gets out of car and chases Madeline)

 -camera focus on the empty space lit by the car headlights awkward long amount of time on this scene.

 -cut to Dylan slamming car door, he is alone-

 (Dylan is breathing hard, covering his face with his hands and fumbling for the car keys. He sees Madeline’s mitten left in the seat and throws it out the door. He clumsily throws the car into reverse) –exterior shot of the car driving in reverse

 black screen, flashlight turned on Dylan’s face, and the entire sequence is run again, but with spotlights, without Madeline,  and it will be played back in reverse.

Reverse sequence ends with Dylan back where he started, in front of the TV.  (projected a blurred version of the true events of the night)

Camera cut to TV, with the spotlighted sequence (same sequence looping on TV in beginning, but this time with the blue tint) 



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