Saturday, April 25, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
stuff is changing mhmmm
Thursday, April 16, 2009
revised plan
Monday, April 13, 2009
pre prod

1. alright, so the poems listed below will be read over some beats. either a casio keyboard, or my friend siphine's beats. I'm not sure about the order of the poems yet, or about how many i will use, but all of that sound will happen in final cut.
And why not the sludge of decimals the metal of colors the color’s comes slick blue stripes by something-new-ish again and again over under on the chromatic and the monotony
In the accordion keys on the
Acrobats on the
Of war on the pretty faces of the dead
A sense of order
And chaos
Of broken organs
And dismembered guitars
On a beach of beached values
Like whales their ideas of “normal”
Broken by fishers of men soul hunting
For any gratification under the salt of the world
With their prostitutes, and their Jesus
building an army
Making peace with violence and loving sex like a war
She’s tall and skinny and takes her coffee the color of a once crisp business card that’s been left in the dirt after a meeting gone sour.
He likes to call himself “mobile” and “open” even though he’s never left home, just took over the business cleaning up after his father who died with Jack in one hand and a knife in the other. He just took one sideways look at his dad, called the funeral home, and caught up on the cleaning appointments for that day.
But he’s nice. And she’s clean. And they met just like they do in the movies. But their sex is never bloodless and it just isn’t lit with that same tungsten light. 8 years experience cleaning other people’s homes. These people live on wheels as to avoid too much commitment. She thinks about this sometimes, like she thinks about the photographs under her bed, rotting away with their pages of glossed memories. And she decides she’s not really cut out for the stationary life in all its shades of beige.
But everything we see about her life is nice, and mostly clean. It’s an exhausted metaphor, vacuumed, waxed, etc. everything they told her she needed and all that she didn’t want. It’s a pity people don’t act live only in our imaginations.
He never called it a problem, maybe a compulsion at best. She was his therapy. He was her secret cause. It was nice, their house on Jonathan street. No wheels, and always clean. But their relationship was never bloodless, though they had found just the right way to light it. It looked so bright from the outside window, and sometimes she would stay underwater in the bathtub maybe a second too long watching the bubbles blur to the surface and repeating in her silent misdirected way, I’m happy, I’m happy, I’m so happy it hurts, I’m so happy I could die right here. And one day she did.
And on that same day, the owner of the business card that she compared her coffee to once quit cleaning and just stood outside and counted all the mobile homes on the freeway, and prayed to god or whoever that he wouldn’t die alone.
by the red door with a Spanish man with a
ponytail, when another Spanish man with
out a ponytail with a hat and
he walks past alone and muttering to
himself and us in a language I don’t
understand. So I smile and play the
ignorant American. He and I sit
alone by the red door that only
opens from the inside when the man with
the hat without the ponytail comes back down
muttering and motioning to his noise and
“intoxionada?” I smile laugh
he smiles at my stupid smile pulls
a little red guitar out of his pocket
it says MEMPHIS in bold white writing and he
says something else then goes out the red
door that only opens from the inside.
2. storyboards at the top...
3. answer these questions:
a. What are each character's life goals/objectives
there aren’t really established characters. But I would say the overall motive here is to explore the connotations with the color red.
b. What are each major character’s obstacles to reaching their objectives?
These things that keep popping in front of and on them, these predetermined roles.
c. What are the actions the characters will use to overcome their obstacles and reach their objectives?
They will dance dance dance
d. What are the ways and means the characters will use?
Dancing writing reading, mostly dancing
e. What adjustments do the characters make when their actions and means don’t succeed?
From subtle awkward to more courageous awkward
f. What realistic doings are the actors engaged in?
they are trying on new selves. I think we do that everyday.
4. Breakdown the Script to determine the following:
a. The number and types of actors required
4 actors-awkward dancers
b. How many scenes each actor will be in and the total length of their performances.
Total length of each actors performance will be about 30 seconds. Total length of the entire performance-mayyybe 4 minutes
c. The requirements, number, and types of locations.
One location, a lighting studio. I need a white background that I can paint red.
d. The number and types of stunts and special effects.
e. What special costumes and makeup will be required?
Glitter, cellophane, maybe tinfoil. Lots of red costumes. Anything that is red, and can be worn in some way.
f. What props are required?
See item e.
5. location scout-either the lighting studio at school, it has a power box, two outlets, and a few lights, or the kitchen i've used for my past 2 films with a white sheet for a background.
6. see map at top
7. either this friday and saturday night.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
music videos for some inspiration
Passion Pit, "Sleepyhead" from Neon Gold Records on Vimeo.