Wednesday, April 1, 2009

3 new ideas

1. trick shot dance
In the lighting studio against the white background I will have different people dance. These people can't really be good at dancing, they need to be more of the head bobbing awkward types. As they dance different objects will suddenly appear on them, in a trick shot way. Some sequences I've been thinking of are having hats suspended by fishing wire appear above their heads, and mustaches appear on faces, maybe feathers appear on heads, wild masks, etc. The sequence will end with the characters in their awkward new costumes. I would also like this film to be in black and white, and the music will be a cheesy casio keyboard drum beat. It will probably only be about 2 or 3 minutes long. 

2. red room/tinfoiling/transforming a space 
I will paint every object in a space red. Actors in red suits will appear with red mouths. i would want a variety of closeups on the different mouths. This project would probably be based on my fear of mouths. I don't really know how to explore that, but I want to see what kind of mood i can create with everything painted red. I would like to explore space and how things can blend into the background . Maybe I could intercut the red room shots with shots of the same red characters covering the red room and every object in it in tinfoil. This could be a commentary about the inevibility of conformity, no matter how unique something seems. 

3.the highways essay
I'm still toying with my original idea about highways and my hotel memory from the last project. I'm not sure if it fits in with my manifesto though. And I still haven't really established a reason for filming that idea other than pure aesthetic/common memory grounds. 


  1. Each movie appeals to me in different ways, yet I think the red room idea has the most potential due to your personal stake in its concept. I think that you should maybe make a list of reasons why you have a fear of mouths, and incorporate that in your video some way.

    I know that you want to have the entire room red. Consider what it might mean to only have one object in the room be a different color? There is a lot of potential for directing the individual's eye if you had an object of a different color, even a different shade of red appear in the space.

    Also, see if you can combine your two ideas... maybe transforming a space filled with dancing mouths. With proper lighting, you would only be able to see the individuals as they become wrapped in tinfoil or have other objects come into the scene.

  2. While the highway idea is not bad, it's still the least compelling one to me out of the three. The first one is drawing me in the most but I could definitely see possibilities with the second one. You'd have to be very careful with your lighting with the second one since it's a monotone piece and you don't want everything to just be matte and blend in UNLESS that is your intention.
    The first idea, however, really sticks out to me. It would be a combination of absurdity and hilarity. If you are going to stop to have items pop onto the screen during the middle of a dance sequence just make sure you rehearse your cast excruciatingly well. I've tried that before and it is difficult to go from movement to still back to movement without losing anything in the translation.

  3. I really like the first idea because it draws attention to awkward dancing people who usually would not receive attention. I think you should definitely seek out people with absolutely NO rhythm. I not sure about the black and white idea tho. I like it for the beginning shots, but it may make the disguises less obvious.

  4. I find the second idea absolutely wonderful. It seems to fit in with your style and could end up being visually beautiful, especially with your sense of lighting and color. It also sounds like it would be a personal piece if you were to find out how to really explore that fear.

  5. I like your second idea the most. You mentioned having a fear of mouths. Maybe you can make grotesque close-ups of the mouths with chewed up food in their mouths if you want to go there. What if faces of the actors were not revealed so that you see them all as one?

  6. Idea #1 needs some color, I think, and awkward zooms on awkward faces and awkward limbs doing awkward dances. I think you could even be really obvious about the objects hanging around the dancers by showing them close up, with fishing line suspending them.
