Monday, April 20, 2009

stuff is changing mhmmm

first of all...

alright. I've got ideas that I'm more excited about.

but first of all, something totally unrelated, I read this in an interview with michel gondry:"He and Spike used to shoot “exquisite corpse” films. (Spike shoots thirty seconds and shows Michel only the last frame, and then Michel shoots thirty seconds and shows Spike only the last frame." 

okay, so I really want to do that this summer. any takers? it doesn't matter if we live in different cities. we can work it out. 


I test shot some stuff for my dancing movie. and i came to the conclusion that the "pop" trick shot effect is going to work. and it looks pretty neat. SO instead of overwhelming the film with my poetry, and instead of making it kind of a downer, that i'm not excited about shooting, I want to monopolize on this popping effect and combine it with the music. So here's  how it's going to go: I have a cheap-o casio keyboard in which I will score the movie with. and I also have tons of instruments sitting around. So I am going to start the movie with the 1 character dancing and a cheesy casio beat playing in the background, and then a little instrument will pop into the character's hand (and this instrument sound is added to the score). So that character will keep dancing, then another character will pop onto the screen and dance, and then another instrument will pop into that character's hands, this will continue until the frame is filled with 3 (or more if i can swing it)  people playing instruments. then random objects will start popping into the frame to crowd the characters. I also want the background to trick shot change from white to red cellophaned and from white to tinfoiled. so the film will end with a climax of nosiy characters and objects crowding the screen with a tinfoiled or cellophaned background. it's gonna be tricky. but i think it will work. 

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