Tuesday, January 27, 2009

quiz #1

1. Mise-en-scene  is all of the things that are "put in the scene", for example: costumes, decor, setting, lighting, performance, and etc. 
2. A scene is a segment of narrative film that usually takes place in a single time and place. A shot is a single stream of images, uninterrupted by editing.  A scene is a collection of shots that usually take place in one single time and place.
3. Editing is the process of ordering the scenes in a movie. 3 examples of transitions are:
1. Jump cut-an elliptical cut that appears to be an interruption of a single shot.
2. Dissolve-between 2 shots, first image gradually disappears as the second image appears. For a moment they blend together
3. Iris-a round, moving mask that can close down to end a scene or open up to begin a scene.

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