Tuesday, March 3, 2009

manifesto feedback

feeling of reading/performing publicly

I feel like I could have made the performance of it more interesting. There are so many words in it like revolt! and question! and challenge! everything feels like it needs an explanation point, it feels like it needs more energy in the performance. But it made me a little nervous to read it publicly for the first time. Personally, I have a goal to be a better performer and to embrace an alter-ego, so that's what I want to work on. 

what's working/what can be pushed?

The imagery of the car accident is working, but I think I can push the overall structure of the manifesto. Maybe it could be a more poetic layout or something in more of a revolt to traditional style instead of a boring paragraph. 

how would I change my essay video?/ following rules set out by manifesto in visualization of essay? 

 I'm feeling a little skitso. The essay has a mood that I am really excited about, it is much more subtle than my manifesto. It is about one person's escapism and it is going to be filmed from the perspective of a child that is affected by this escapism. As far as filming technique goes, I can push the idea of perception onto this essay video, because every shot will come from the eyesight of the child in the backseat. I feel like this part goes with the manifesto, and I think it would be impossible for this video essay to address every point I bring up in my manifesto, and I don't think I want it to bring up every point. It would be too much and it would be overwhelming. This essay video will be a little car accident. The kind that is so subtle you hardly notice it, but if it happened everyday, and it does happen everyday, it would wear on you. 

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