Thursday, March 5, 2009

manifesto (remixed)


to the Hollywood standard of storytelling 



to the sugarcoated “art” void of meaning and consideration, 

I will make films like car accidents. 
(big or small) 

Fuck order
fuck the artistic standard. 

I will disregard the rules and boundaries society enforces regarding what is considered 
beautiful and what is considered ugly

I will question and disregard the preconceived notions of gender that are instilled in our society. 

My films will not be void of historical context; they will inevitably be a reflection of the time I live in. 

It is impossible to divorce my films from my perception, so I will constantly question that perception. 

I will question the values and motives that drive my society, and I will be critical of them. 

Though I will always be critical, I won’t forget how to laugh, how to entertain, and I won’t be ashamed of being excited about my work.   

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