characters-3 women, dressed in only lacy frilly bras and underwear, maybe wigs to make them look a bit alike
locations-(my apartment) kitchen, bathroom, stage at MCA
costuming-lacy frilly bras and underwear
script ideas- okay, i'm torn between a few ideas-either I want to have each of the women tell a story of a time a man treated them unfairly, but they would tell the story in kuchar brothers style campy voices. or i don't want them to speak at all. maybe incorporate a voice over later, or maybe let the images do the talking, and have circus music playing. i am leaning toward that one.
shot/scene sequence-
scene 1-the kitchen-
each of the 3 women are filmed seprately, on the floor in the kitchen, sitting against the blue wall
progression of sugar coating. no sugar, just a medium shot of the woman in her frilly bra. the woman will be cropped below the nose, i won't show the top part of their faces. various close ups of the hands in clear plastic gloves pouring sugar on the woman being sugarcoated. shot where the woman's face is in the lower part of the frame, but she is waving her hair around to obstruct her face as the (backlit) sugar falls on her. The women's movements create an arch of action. She starts out in full use of her body, moving and whatnot while being sugarcoated. as the sugarcoating progresses, the women move less and less, until they become puppets for the hands. variety of close up shots on her body to capture the texture and movement of the sugar. one woman will roll in the sugar, like a fruit being sugarcoated. the hands will always be in the screen fussing with the sugar, and finally stuffing the woman's mouth with a hostess snowball and lighting a candle in it. These actions take place for all 3 women and i plan on cross-cutting the shots together
scene 2-the stage
the three women are dressed in glittery, frilly costumes, and they perform a short choreographed dance as glittery sugar falls on them. medium shots from behind the women. spotlit.
scene 3-the bathtub
one woman will be drowned in a bathtub full of blue water (after being sugarcoated) someone will dump sugar from above the bathtub onto the woman being drowned. overhead shot, cut to a medium shot of the side of the bathtub, the hand drowning the woman, and the woman being drowned. close ups on the sugar falling, and the way the sugar looks when it hits the water.
color scheme-muted primarys
pink sugar
sugar test results-the sugar can be dyed with food coloring. i think i'll go with this obnoxious pink. granulated sugar sticks better to wet skin and is more glittery than confectioner's. the confectioner's has a nice floury clumpy texture though. I might use both. but i definitely want to backlight the pink sugar to give it a nice glittery feel as it falls onto the women.
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